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Saturday, 31 August 2013

Tooth Morphology

  1. The characteristic developmental depression of permanent maxillary first premolar is in the
  2. The permanent maxillary first premolar root is
  3. Occlusal aspect of permanent maxillary first premolar is
  4. The number of cusp ridge, developmental groove, triangular fossa and marginal ridge in permanent maxillary first premolar is
  5. In the permanent maxillary dentition, as compared to the second premolar, the size of first premolar is
  6. In the permanent mandibular premolars the mesial cuspal ridge is
  7. The characteristic developmental depression of permanent mandibular first premolar is
  8. The number of cusps in permanent mandibular first premolar is
  9. In the permanent maxillary molars the roots that is largest is
  10. The teeth that are commonly referred as the cornerstone of the arches is

Friday, 30 August 2013

Tooth Morphology

The developmental depression in root of canine
Secures anchorage; Increases the surface area for anchorage ; Prevents rotation / displacement
In the permanent maxillary canine, mesial and distal lingual fossae are
Separated by lingual ridge
When the permanent maxillary canine is correctly posed so that long axes of the tooth is in line of vision, tip of the cusp is
Labial to center of crown labiolingually. the tip of the canine is mesial to the center mesiodistally
The crown of a permanent mandibular canine appear longer due to
Narrow crown mesiodistally; Height of contact area is above cervix; The crown could be longer cervicoincisally
The line joining the cusp tip of the distal margin contact extension are a straight line that is
Mesiodistally in maxillary & lingually in mandibular canine
The lingual cusp of the premolars develop from the
Lingual lobe
The predominant function of first premolar of either arch is
Tearing. The second premolar’s predominant function is to grind
In a permanent maxillary first premolar the mesial slope of the buccal slope is
Longer than distal slope. The mesial slope of the buccal cusp ridge of maxillary 2nd premolar is shorter than distal slope.
The permanent maxillary first premolar have
Two cusp and 2 pulp canals
From the buccal aspect of the permanent maxillary first premolar, the tip of the buccal cusp is distal to line bisecting the
Buccal surface

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Tooth Morphology


  1. The developmental depression in root of canine serves to 
  2. In the permanent maxillary canine, mesial and distal lingual fossae are
  3. When the permanent maxillary canine is correctly posed so that long axes of the tooth is in line of vision, tip of the cusp is
  4. The crown of a permanent mandibular canine appear longer due to
  5. The line joining the cusp tip of the distal margin contact extension are a straight line that is
  6. The lingual cusp of the premolars develop from the
  7. The predominant function of first premolar of either arch is
  8. In a permanent maxillary first premolar the mesial slope of the buccal slope is
  9. The permanent maxillary first premolar have
  10. From the buccal aspect of the permanent maxillary first premolar, the tip of the buccal cusp is distal to line bisecting the

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Tooth Morphology

While the labiolingual root axes of permanent mandibular incisors remains ________ to alveolar process, the ___________ are not in straight line.
Parallel; incisal edges
The “corners of the mouth” are the
The cusp of the canine develops from the
Middle lobe
The longest human teeth are the
Maxillary canine
Canines are considered to be the most stable teeth of all the permanent teeth
Due to the increased labiolingual thickness of crown and root; Anchorage in the alveolar process; Self cleansing morphology
The bony ridge above the root of the canine in the maxilla is the
Canine eminence
The mesial and distal half of canine closely resembles
Incisors and premolar respectively
The teeth that has well developed cingulum is the
Permanent maxillary canine
In permanent dentition the teeth that has greatest labiolingual/ labiopalatal thickness is the
Permanent mandibular canine
The developmental depression in root of canine, if found is on the
Proximal surface

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Tooth Morphology


  1. While the labiolingual root axes of permanent mandibular incisors remains ________ to alveolar process, the ___________ are not in straight line.
  2. The “corners of the mouth” are the
  3. The cusp of the canine develops from the
  4. The longest human teeth are the
  5. Canines are considered to be the most stable teeth of all the permanent teeth, because _______
  6. The bony ridge above the root of the canine in the maxilla is the ________
  7. The mesial and distal half of canine closely resembles 
  8. The teeth that has well developed cingulum is the _____
  9. In permanent dentition the teeth that has greatest labiolingual/ labiopalatal thickness is the
  10. The developmental depression in root of canine, if found is on the ______________

Monday, 26 August 2013

Tooth Morphology

As compared with permanent maxillary central incisor, permanent lateral incisor has a
Well developed linguoincisal ridge& concave lingual fossa
Often in permanent maxillary lateral incisor, a deep developmental groove is seen at the
Distal aspect of cingulum
From the incisal aspect as compared to permanent maxillary central incisor, the permanent maxillary lateral incisor exhibit more
Convexity in labial and palatal surface
The smallest permanent mandibular anterior teeth is the
Central incisor. It is the smallest of all anterior in permanent dentition.
The permanent mandibular incisors labial surfaces are inclined
The relationship of labiolingual diameter to mesiodistal diameter of permanent mandibular central incisor is that the labiolingual diameter is
In the permanent mandibular incisors the cingulum
Has no developmental grooves
In permanent dentition, fewest developmental lines and grooves are observed in
Mandibular incisors
The permanent teeth that has the incisal edge at right angles to the line bisecting crown labiolingually is
Mandibular central incisors
The crown of the permanent mandibular lateral incisor has a appearance of being twisted slightly on its root base because
To follow the curvature of arch

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Tooth Morphology


  1. As compared with permanent maxillary central incisor, permanent lateral incisor has a
  2. Often in permanent maxillary lateral incisor, a deep developmental groove is seen at the
  3. From the incisal aspect as compared to permanent maxillary central incisor, the permanent maxillary lateral incisor exhibit more
  4. The smallest permanent mandibular anterior teeth is the
  5. The permanent mandibular incisors labial surfaces are inclined
  6. The relationship of labiolingual diameter to mesiodistal diameter of permanent mandibular central incisor is that the labiolingual diameter is
  7. In the permanent mandibular incisors the cingulum
  8. In permanent dentition, fewest developmental lines and grooves are observed in
  9. The permanent teeth that has the incisal edge at right angles to the line bisecting crown labiolingually is
  10. The crown of the permanent mandibular lateral incisor has a appearance of being twisted slightly on its root base because

Friday, 23 August 2013

Tooth Morphology

The palatal topography of in the entire maxillary permanent central incisors from proximal aspect resembles a
The most prominent teeth in the mouth are the
Permanent maxillary first molar
Most often the maxillary permanent central incisors has
Sharp mesioincisal angle; round distoincisal angle
A line drawn through the center of root and crown of permanent maxillary central incisor tends to be parallel to the
Mesial outline of crown and root
The cross section of root at cervix of permanent maxillary central incisor is
Triangular with rounded edges and apex palatally
The relationship of the line drawn through the mesial aspect of permanent maxillary central incisor through the center of tooth with the line joining the apex of root with incisal ridge is such that they
Bisect the latter
The permanent maxillary central incisor incisal surface has
Palatal inclination. The mandibular incisors has a labial inclination
The relationship of mesiodistal and buccopalatal diameter of permanent maxillary central incisor is that
Greater mesiodistal and lesser buccopalatal width
The teeth that is highly variable in form and shape next to third molars is the
Permanent maxillary lateral incisor
A rounded mesioincisal angle is characteristic of
Permanent maxillary lateral incisor

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Tooth Morphology


  1. The palatal topography of in the entire maxillary permanent central incisors from proximal aspect resembles a
  2. The most prominent teeth in the mouth are the
  3. Most often the maxillary permanent central incisors has
  4. A line drawn through the center of root and crown of permanent maxillary central incisor tends to be parallel to the
  5. The cross section of root at cervix of permanent maxillary central incisor is
  6. The relationship of the line drawn through the mesial aspect of permanent maxillary central incisor through the center of tooth with the line joining the apex of root with incisal ridge is such that they
  7. The permanent maxillary central incisor incisal surface has
  8. The relationship of mesiodistal and buccopalatal diameter of permanent maxillary central incisor is that
  9. The teeth that is highly variable in form and shape next to third molars is the
  10. A rounded mesioincisal angle is characteristic of

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Tooth Morphology

When 2 adjacent teeth in same arch are in contact, their curvatures adjacent to the contact area form spill way spaces called
Embrasures. Col is the gingiva occupying the space below the contact area in a healthy intact tooth.
The average number of embrasures in a contact area of healthy intact well-lined teeth are
The normal curvature from cementoenamel junction to crest of cervical contour is approximately
0.5 millimeters
The cervical curvature extends about a millimeter beyond cervical line in lingual surface of
Mandibular posterior teeth
The crest of cervical curvature in permanent mandibular posterior teeth is at
Middle third of crown
The curvature of cervical line in proximal aspect will be approximately differ by
One millimeter less distally
The predominant function of incisors in humans is to
Shear the food. Grasping is by means of canine and grinding by means of posterior teeth
Among all the maxillary permanent anterior teeth  the labial surface of central incisor is
Less convex
The smallest mamelon in the maxillary permanent central incisors is the
In the maxillary permanent central incisors, palatally the middle and incisal third is

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Tooth Morphology


  1. When 2 adjacent teeth in same arch are in contact, their curvatures adjacent to the contact area form spill way spaces called
  2. The average number of embrasures in a contact area of healthy intact well-lined teeth are
  3. The normal curvature from cementoenamel junction to crest of cervical contour is approximately
  4. The cervical curvature extends about a millimeter beyond cervical line in lingual surface of
  5. The crest of cervical curvature in permanent mandibular posterior teeth is at
  6. The curvature of cervical line in proximal aspect will be approximately differ by
  7. The predominant function of incisors in humans is to
  8. Among all the maxillary permanent anterior teeth  the labial surface of central incisor is
  9. The smallest mamelon in the maxillary permanent central incisors is the
  10. In the maxillary permanent central incisors, palatally the middle and incisal third is

Monday, 19 August 2013

Tooth morphology

In the facial and lingual aspect the permanent teeth are ________ shaped with the base of crown at cervical margin being ________ of uneven side.
Trapezoid; shortest. The working surface is longest of the uneven side of the trapezoid
A single opposing tooth in the opposite arch is
Mandibular central incisors; Permanent maxillary third molars; Deciduous maxillary second molars. Each tooth in dental arch has two antagonists in the opposite arch except the above mentioned teeth.
From the mesial and distal aspect the permanent anterior teeth are
The point at which the contact area is bisected will depend on the
Outline form of occlusal aspect; Alignment of teeth; Occlusal relation
Normal intact interproximal spaces are
A buccal view of an interproximal contact area will demonstrate the size and location of the contact in the
Mesiodistal aspect
The embrasure (s) formed by 2 teeth in the same arch when in contact, their curvature adjacent to the contact area will form the
Occlusal embrasure; Facial and lingual embrasure; Gingival embrasure
Normal intact healthy interproximal spaces are filled by
Inter dental papillae
Radiographic distance between from crest of alveolar bone to cementoenamel junction in a healthy intact dentition is approximately
1 to 1.5 millimeters
The factors that maintain the gingival tissue in spite of micro-trauma and microbial invasion include
Keratinization of gingival; Density of gingival; Elasticity of gingiva

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Tooth Morphology


  1. In the facial and lingual aspect the permanent teeth are ________ shaped with the base of crown at cervical margin being ________ of uneven side.
  2. A single opposing tooth in the opposite arch is
  3. From the mesial and distal aspect the permanent anterior teeth are
  4. The point at which the contact area is bisected will depend on the
  5. Normal intact interproximal spaces are
  6. A buccal view of an interproximal contact area will demonstrate the size and location of the contact in the
  7. The embrasure (s) formed by 2 teeth in the same arch when in contact, their curvature adjacent to the contact area will form the
  8. Normal intact healthy interproximal spaces are filled by
  9. Radiographic distance between from crest of alveolar bone to cementoenamel junction in a healthy intact dentition is approximately
  10. The factors that maintain the gingival tissue in spite of micro-trauma and microbial invasion include

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Tooth Morphology

The points on the occlusal surface that are contacted by opposing teeth will prove to be well within the confines of
Root base of crown
The curve of Spee touches each cusp and incisal edges to confirm to a segment of
The curve of Wilson or the lingual inclination in maxillary segment is
Sphere. The same in mandible is concave
The occlusal surface of a maxillary molar makes an acute angulation ________ with the long axis of its roots.
The term haplodont refers to the
A cone shaped teeth
In the triconodent the largest cusp will usually be the
Centre cusp
Often the permanent mandibular second premolar has
Five lobes
The term anisognathus refers to
Unequal sized jaws. Isognathus means equal sized jaw, no jaw is agnathia
The most stable demarcation in a tooth is the
Cervical line. The alveolar bone crest is altered with disease process and age while occlusal position is a function of placement, development and opposing teeth.
The curvature on crown in the cervical third above the cervical line labially, bucally or lingually is the
Cervicoenamel ridge