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Monday, 9 December 2013

Oral Anatomy

The horizontal ledge extending medially from the nasal surface of the maxilla is the
Palaltine process
Foramina of Stenson carries
Nasopalatine nerves
Foramina of Scarpi  carries
Descending septal artery
The facial plate of maxillary alveolar process is
Thin. But the buccal plates of second and third molars are thick
The maxillary alveolus that is kidney shaped with the hilus part in its mesial surface is the
First premolar. In the second premolar, the hilus is in distal surface. The reason for the kidney shaped is due to the developmental grooves in the teeth and subsequently occupied by the alveolar bone.
Medially maxilla articulates with
Inferior turbinate; Vomer; Opposite maxilla
In the lower border of mandible, proximal to symphysis are two prominences called
Mental tubercles
The triangular surface formed by the symphysis and mental tubercles is the
Mental protrubence
The condylar and coronoid process is separated by the
Sigmoid notch
The concave pit medially below the neck of condyle is the
Pterygoid fossa

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