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Monday, 30 December 2013

Oral Anatomy

The facial muscle contraction is monitored by receptors in
Tendons (golgi tendon organs); Muscles (muscle spindles); Other receptors( skin, joint)
The fibers that are capable of rapid contraction and high tension but fatigue rapidly is the
Type I or phasic fibers. The type II or tonic functioning fibers handle lower contraction tension and is resistant to fatigue.
The lateral pterygoid muscles function to stabilize the tempromandibular joint and is made predominantly of
Type II or Tonic fibers
The path of opening and closing of the condyle without involving the translation of condyle is the
Centric relation
In natural dentition
Centric occlusion is anterior to centric relation by 1 millimeters
The centric relation is
Tooth determined position. The condyle in the articular fossa determines the centric relation
Basic movements of condyle include(s)
Hinge movement; Gliding movement; Translation
In lateral excursion of mandible, the condyle appears to rotate with a slight lateral shift referred as
Bennett movement
The maximum lateral shift is
10-12 millimeters. Protrusive movement is 8 to 11 millimeters and retrusive movement is 1 millimeter.
The superior head of lateral pterygoid muscle functions to
Close jaw. The inferior head functions to open jaw

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