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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Oral Anatomy

The sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve enter the brain stem through the
The semilunar ganaglion is located in the
Meckel’s cavity
The sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve is made up of
Unipolar neurons
The ascending fibers of the central branches of the sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve terminate in
Upper sensory nucleus
The ascending fibers of the central branches of the sensory root of the fifth cranial nerve convey
Tactile discrimination; Passive movement; Sense of position
The main nucleus of the fifth cranial nerve is with the
Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
The bulbospinal nucleus is _______ and associated with __________________.
Ventral trigeminothalamic tract and pain, temperature
The mesencephalic nucleus convey the impulses from
Tempromandibular joint, palate, Periodontal membrane and teeth, Stretch receptor from muscle fibers. The nucleus conveys and interprets the proprioceptive impulses from all these areas.
The smallest division of trigeminal nerve is the
Ophthalmic nerve
The ophthalmic nerve leaves the cranium through the
Superior orbital fissure

1 comment:

  1. Unipolar for motor nucleus and pseudo unipolar for sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve ?????
