Reference from standard textbooks. Should you have any doubts, please mail me back. All efforts has been taken to provide accurate answer. The blog/Admin/ are not liable for any inadvertent errors. Kindly do not copy the contents and reuse for commercial purpose. Kindly do not re-post without due acknowledgement and preferably refine from reposting.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Enamel- 4


  1. Absence of Tomes process in first and final stage of enamel deposition causes
  2. Average width of cross striation in enamel rods
  3. Short period deposition of incremental lines are commonly called as
  4. Long period records of incremental lines are commonly called as
  5. Number of cross striation in an average human teeth
  6. Average distance between 2 cross striations is
  7. Average distance between 2 striae are
  8. In deciduous teeth enamel striae and perikymata can be best observed along
  9. What is enamel cap
  10. What is enamel focal holes
  11. What is enamel brouchs
  12. The thickness of layer of the characteristic scalloping of DEJ is
  13. The DEJ is highly scalloped along the 
  14. The DEJ is relatively smoother along the 
  15. What is the size of microscallops in DEJ
  16. Average distance between two enamel tuft is about
  17. The protein content of enamel is highest along
  18. Structure of enamel best visualized in longitudinal section is
  19. Structure of enamel best visualized in transverse section is
  20. In which stage of amelogenesis does enamel knot formation occur
Answers will be posted tomorrow

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Tooth morphology-3

The formation of each centre of cusp formation proceed till they
Signs of demarcation between the formation of each developmental lobe is by the
Developmental groove
Formation of tooth is said to be completed when tooth
Apex is formed
Root formation of deciduous teeth is complete within
36 - 48 months after tooth eruption
The most unstable teeth in the deciduous dentition are the
Second molars and maxillary incisors
The highest peak of caries attack is observed during
13 years
The susceptibility of dental caries is a function of
Exposure time; Oral environment; Morphological type and surface of teeth
The period of exfoliation of deciduous dentition is the
7th – 12th year
The crown of deciduous mandibular first molar resemble the crown of
The crown of deciduous mandibular first molar does not resemble the crown of any teeth – deciduous or permanent dentition
As compared to the permanent dentition, the deciduous anterior teeth have
Prominent cervical ridge; Narrower cervical margin; Flared roots in the posterior teeth
As compared to the permanent teeth the buccolingual diameter of the deciduous teeth is
As compared to the permanent teeth the ratio of crown length to mesiodistal width, the deciduous teeth is
As compared to permanent dentition, the tooth length to root length of anterior deciduous teeth appear
Narrower and longer
The purpose of flaring in the deciduous molar roots is (are)
To accommodate developing permanent premolars
Crown and root of deciduous molars at the cervical portion are
Slender mesiodistally
As compared to permanent dentition, the cervical ridges in deciduous teeth are
More pronounced
As compared to permanent dentition, the occlusal surface in deciduous teeth are
As compared to permanent dentition, the pulp horns and chambers in deciduous teeth are
High and large. Though it is observed in all teeth, it is obvious in mesial pulp horns of all teeth.
The mesiodistal diameter is greater than the cervicoincisal length in
Deciduous maxillary central incisor; Permanent maxillary central incisor; Permanent molars. For the permanent maxillary central incisor the mesiodistal diameter is lesser than the cervicoincisal length.
As compared to permanent maxillary central incisor, the tooth length to root length of anterior deciduous maxillary central incisor have
Increased root length

Monday, 29 July 2013

Tooth morphology-3


  1. The formation of each centre of cusp formation proceed till they
  2. Signs of demarcation between the formation of each developmental lobe is by the
  3. Formation of tooth is said to be completed when tooth
  4. Root formation of deciduous teeth is complete within
  5. The most unstable teeth in the deciduous dentition are the
  6. The highest peak of caries attack is observed during
  7. The susceptibility of dental caries is a function of
  8. The period of exfoliation of deciduous dentition is the
  9. The crown of deciduous mandibular first molar resemble the crown of
  10. As compared to the permanent dentition, the deciduous anterior teeth have
  11. As compared to the permanent teeth the buccolingual diameter of the deciduous teeth is
  12. As compared to the permanent teeth the ratio of crown length to mesiodistal width, the deciduous teeth is
  13. As compared to permanent dentition, the tooth length to root length of anterior deciduous teeth appear
  14. The purpose of flaring in the deciduous molar roots is (are)
  15. Crown and root of deciduous molars at the cervical portion are
  16. As compared to permanent dentition, the cervical ridges in deciduous teeth are
  17. As compared to permanent dentition, the occlusal surface in deciduous teeth are
  18. As compared to permanent dentition, the pulp horns and chambers in deciduous teeth are
  19. The mesiodistal diameter is greater than the cervicoincisal length in
  20. As compared to permanent maxillary central incisor, the tooth length to root length of anterior deciduous maxillary central incisor have
Answers will be posted tommorrow

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Tooth Morphology-2

On the occlusal surface of posterior teeth triangular fossa are found along the
Proximal to marginal ridge
If found, in anterior teeth, the triangular fossa is usually found on the
Palatal surface at edge of lingual fossa
A long valley like depression in any surface of tooth often between ridges/ cusp is the
A sulcus at its junction of its incline usually has a
A shallow line between primary parts of a crown or a root is the
Developmental groove
A shallow line on any surface of tooth that does not demarcate primary parts of  a tooth is the
Supplemental groove
The pinpoint depressions along the developmental grooves are the
Lobes are primary section of formation in the development of crown and are represented by the
Cusp; Mamelons; Cingulum
The number of line angles and point angles in an anterior teeth
6; 4
The number of line angles and point angles in a posterior teeth
8; 4
The important indicator(s) of dental age used clinically often is (are)
Calcification extent; Level of root formation; Eruption of teeth
The evidence of calcification for a deciduous dentition is observed by
4th month of intra uterine life. Near the end of the 6th month of intrauterine life all deciduous teeth would have began their development.
The human deciduous mandibular central incisors erupt by
6 months
The human deciduous canine erupt by
16 months
The general order of deciduous teeth eruption is
Central incisor, lateral incisor, 1st molar, canine, 2nd molar
The deciduous teeth is use for approximately for
5 to 11.5 years
Second permanent tooth to erupt in the oral cavity is
Mandibular central incisor. First molar is the first permanent teeth to erupt in the oral cavity.
The follicles of developing anterior teeth are positioned
Lingual. The developing premolars are placed within the bifurcation of deciduous molars.
The general eruption schedule of permanent dentition in mandible is
6123457. The maxillary schedule is 6124537
The teeth that is subject to many anomalies and variation in the form is the
Permanent third molars

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Tooth morphology-2


  1. On the occlusal surface of posterior teeth triangular fossa are found along the
  2. If found, in anterior teeth, the triangular fossa is usually found on the
  3. A long valley like depression in any surface of tooth often between ridges/ cusp is the
  4. A sulcus at its junction of its incline usually has a
  5. A shallow line between primary parts of a crown or a root is the
  6. A shallow line on any surface of tooth that does not demarcate primary parts of  a tooth is the
  7. The pinpoint depressions along the developmental grooves are the
  8. Lobes are primary section of formation in the development of crown and are represented by the
  9. The number of line angles and point angles in an anterior teeth
  10. The number of line angles and point angles in a posterior teeth
  11. The important indicator(s) of dental age used clinically often is (are)
  12. The evidence of calcification for a deciduous dentition is observed by
  13. The human deciduous mandibular central incisors erupt by
  14. The human deciduous canine erupt by
  15. The general order of deciduous teeth eruption is
  16. The deciduous teeth is use for approximately for
  17. Second permanent tooth to erupt in the oral cavity is
  18. The follicles of developing anterior teeth are positioned
  19. The general eruption schedule of permanent dentition in mandible is
  20. The permanant teeth that is subject to many anomalies and variation in the form is the
Answers will be posted tomorrow

Friday, 26 July 2013

Differences in hard tissues

Difference between acellular and cellular cementum

Acellular cementum
Cellular cementum
Commonly seen in
Cervical and middle third of root
Apical third of root
Position of cells
No cells
Lacunae and canaliculi containing cementocytes and their processes
Border with dentin
Not clearly demarcated
Clearly demarcated
Rate of development
Relatively slow
Relatively fast
Incremental lines
Relatively close together
Relatively wide apart
Precementum layer
Virtually absent

Difference between alveolar bone, cementum, dentin and enamel

Alveolar bone
Derived from
Cell of origin
Cells in mature tissue
Cemetocytes (absent in acellular cementum)
Does not persist
Degrading cells
Cementoclasts / odontoclasts
Matrix vesicle formation
Not seen
Apatite content (in %)
50 to 60
45 -50
Primary organic content
Enamel proteins
High rate
No remodeling
No remodeling
No remodeling
By new bone
By new cementum
By tertiary dentin
No repair except remineralization in surface
Incremental lines
Resting and reversal lines
Von Ebner, Owen, neonatal line
Retzius, neonatal line
Nerve innervation
Yes – only pain fibers
No vascular channels
No vascular channels
No vascular channels

Age estimation from mixed dentition cast

Age of the child and teeth present during mixed dentition

Maxillary arch
(in each quadrant )
Age of the child
Mandibular arch
(in each quadrant)
Intact deciduous dentition
Below 6years
Intact deciduous dentition
Intact deciduous dentition with permanent first molar
About 6 years
Intact deciduous dentition with permanent first molar
6 E D C B 1
6 – 7 yrs
1 C D E 6
6 E D C 1
7 – 8 yrs
1 2 C D E 6
6 E D C 2 1
8 – 9 yrs
1 2 C E 6
6 E C 2 1
9 – 10 yrs
1 2 E 6
6 E 4 C 2 1
10 yrs
1 2 3 4 E 6
6 5 4 2 1
10 – 11 yrs
1 2 3 4 6
6 5 4 3 2 1
11 – 12 yrs
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
12 yrs and above
1 2 3 4 5 6 7